10 Ways To Delay Aging

Plus: workout advice for busy people

Today’s almonds have been activated by:

❝Happiness consists in getting enough sleep.❞

In A Rush?

Today’s 30-Second Summary

If you don’t have time to read the whole email today, here are some key takeaways:

  • Most people would, given the choice, rather age more slowly than more quickly

    • Today’s main feature examines 10 key ways that we can slow aging where it starts: on the cellular level—ranging from mitochondria-boosting to hacks to senolytics to good old-fashioned gut health.

  • Do you enjoy cooking in principle, but in practice find the shopping and preparatory work a bit much to maintain every day?

    • Today’s sponsor Purple Carrot is offering delicious and nutritious plant-based meals to your door, with a wide range of options to choose from (e.g. high protein, high fiber, lower calorie, gluten-free, etc).

  • Today’s featured recipe is for an anti-inflammatory khichri & tadka—it’s delicious and full of protein, fiber, heathy fats, and flavors. And those flavors? Mostly from health-giving phytochemicals of one kind of another:

Read on to learn more about these things, or click here to visit our archive

A Word To The Wise

Is It OK To Lie To Someone With Dementia?

A clinician makes the case for deceit:

Watch and Learn

Workout Advice For Busy People

Hampton at Hybrid Calisthenics always has very sound advice in his uplifting videos, and this one’s no exception:

Prefer text? The above video will take you to a 10almonds page with a text-overview, as well as the video!

Tuesday’s Expert Insights

10 Ways To Delay Aging

This is Dr. Colin Rose; he is a Senior Associate of the Royal Society of Medicine. He’s also a main contributor to EduScience, a programme funded by the E.U. which is designed to enhance the teaching and learning of science in schools in Europe.

His most recent work has been about aging—and how to delay it. We also reviewed his latest book, here:

So, what does he want us to know? The key lies in his compilation of ten ways in which we age on a cellular level, and what we can to do slow each one of those:

Damage to DNA accumulates

While DNA can get damaged without any external stimulus to cause that, there are a lot of modifiable factors that we can do to reduce DNA damage. The list is easy: if it causes cancer, it causes aging.

Thus, check out: Stop Cancer 20 Years Ago

Cells become senescent

Our cells are replaced all the time; some sooner than others, but all of them at some point. The problem occurs when cells are outliving their usefulness. If a cell becomes completely immortal, that is cancer, but happily most don’t. Nevertheless, having senescent (aging) cells in the body means that those senescent cells are what get copied forwards by mitosis, and our DNA becomes like a photocopy of a tattered old photocopy of a tattered old photocopy. Which, needless to say, is not good for our health. So, the best thing to do is to kill them earlier:

Mitochondria become dysfunctional

Without properly functional mitochondria, no living human cell can do its job properly.

Beneficial genes are switched off, harmful genes are on

It’s easy to think of our genes as being immutable, but epigenetics means that our environment (amongst other factors) can mean that our gene expression changes.

Imagine it this way: your genes are a set of instructions for your body. However, your body will act or not on those instructions, depending on other factors. Hormones often play a big part in this; for example sex hormones tell the body which set of genetic instructions to read (and thus what kind of body to build/rebuild), and cortisol or oxytocin can tell the body which set of contingency plans to activate or suppress (respectively). A milder example is gray hair; genes have the program for it, but many other factors inform the body when, if, and how to do it.

Of more concern when it comes to aging is what goes on with more critical systems, such as the brain, in which the aforementioned DNA damage can cause unhelpful instructions to get interpreted, resulting in epigenetic changes that in turn facilitate age-related degeneration.

As to what can be done, see : Klotho: Unzipping The Genes Of Aging?

Stem cells become exhausted

Stem cells can become different kinds of cells, and thus they’re very useful for maintaining a healthy body. However, they get depleted with age. We can slow down the rate of loss, though; for example, intermittent fasting can help:

And for more detail, see:

(complete with lists of foods to eat or avoid for stem cell health)

Cells fail to communicate properly

Cells need to talk to each other constantly, to continue doing their jobs. We are one big organism, after all, and not a haphazard colony of the countless cells that constitute such. However, cell signalling gets worse with age, which in turn precipitates others age-related problems. Fortunately, there are nutrients that can improve cellular communication.

For example: PS, We Love You ← this is about phosphatidylserine, also called “PS”

Telomeres become shorter

These protective caps on our DNA suffer the wear-and-tear so that our DNA doesn’t have to. However, as they get shorter, the DNA can start suffering damage. For this reason, telomere length is considered one of the most “Gold Standard” markers of cellular aging.

Here’s what can be done for that: The Stress Prescription (Against Aging!)

The body fails to sense nutritional intake properly

This is mostly about insulin signalling (though problems can occur in other systems too, but we only have so much room here), so it’s important to take care of that.

Proteins accumulate errors

This is due to DNA damage, of course, but there are specific things that can reduce protein error accumulation; see for example:

The microbiome becomes unbalanced

We at 10almonds often mention that gut health affects pretty much every other kind of health, and it’s true for aging as well. So, take care of that microbiome!

Here’s a primer: Gut Health 101

Want to know more about delaying aging beyond the cellular level?

Take care!

Our Sponsors Make This Publication Possible

Step into Fall With Plant-Based Meals From Purple Carrot

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Whichever option you choose, you can trust that you’re getting nutritious, plant-based meals that are packed with flavor. Pick from high-protein, lower-calorie, high-fiber, and gluten-free options every week - if you want to build muscle, shed a few pounds, or just eat a little cleaner, Purple Carrot has meals and groceries that suit your needs.

This fall, they’re sweetening the deal with five new fun and tasty meal options. Better yet, 10almonds readers can also take $30 off their first order with the code ONTHEGO30.

Please do visit our sponsors—they help keep 10almonds free

This Or That?

Vote on Which is Healthier

Yesterday we asked you to choose between jackfruit and durian—we picked the durian (click here to read about why), as did 44% of you!

Now for today’s choice:

Click on whichever you think is better for you!

Bonus (Sponsored) Recommendation

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Recipes Worth Sharing

Anti-Inflammatory Khichri & Tadka

This is halfway between a daal and a risotto; it’s delicious and it’s full of protein, fiber, heathy fats, and flavors. And those flavors? Mostly from health-giving phytochemicals of one kind of another:

Click below for our full recipe, and learn its secrets:

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Wishing you a wonderful day of wellness,

The 10almonds Team