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  • The Healthiest Bread Recipe You'll Probably Find

The Healthiest Bread Recipe You'll Probably Find

Plus: the answer to yesterday's brainteaser


Today’s almonds have been activated by:

One almond

Answer to yesterday’s brainteaser:

The correct answer was… Thursday:

  • The only day they both tell the truth is Sunday

  • But today can’t be Sunday because the lion also tells the truth on Saturday.

  • So, they are not both telling the truth

  • We also know that there is no day when both of them are lying. Which leaves…

  • The only day one of them is lying and the other is telling the truth, with those two statements, is Thursday.

Only a fifth of subscribers who participated got it right! Meanwhile, the most popular answer was “Sunday”.

But! Whether you got it right or not, the point was the brain-stimulation, so, job done 😉

One almond

Today’s 30-Second Summary

If you don’t have time to read the whole email today, here are some key takeaways:

  • Flaxseeds and psyllium can make for an incredibly healthy bread that’s easy to make at home!

  • Running cold water for 10mins is indeed really the best immediate treatment for most burns. No oils, lotions, etc, please!

  • Monitoring one’s health is an important part of staying healthy (burying one’s head in the sand is no good!)

    • Today’s sponsor, Together by Renee, is a free app (free to download, free to use, free in all ways) that will monitor many aspects of your health, just by scanning your face and voice—and running these through powerful AI.

Read on to learn about these things and more…

One almond

This 3-Ingredient Bread Will Change Your Life! 0.6g Carbs! Keto, Vegan, Gluten-Free! (1:23)

The "three" ingredients:

  • 1 ½ cups (240 g) whole golden flaxseeds

  • 4 tbsp (40 g) psyllium husk powder

  • 2 tsp baking powder

  • ½ tsp salt

  • 1 ⅓ cups (320 ml) hot water

Want a text version of the recipe? Here you go 😎

Want to watch this, but not now? Bookmark it for later! 🔖


It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

Have a question or a request? You can always hit “reply” to any of our emails, or use the feedback widget at the bottom!

In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

So, no question/request too big or small 😎

❝[About accidental scalding with water] Is cold water actually the best immediate treatment for a burn? Maybe there is something better, or something I should apply after the cold water.❞

If this is a case of spilled tea or similar—as in your story, which (apologies) we clipped for brevity—indeed, cold running water is best, and nothing else should be needed. It’s up to you whether you want to invest the time based on the extent of the scalding, but 10 minutes is recommended to minimize tissue damage.

If it’s a more severe scalding or burning, seek medical attention immediately. If it’s a burn to anywhere other than the airway, cold running water is still best for 10 minutes, but if you have to choose between that and professional medical attention, don’t delay the help.

If it’s a burn you’ve given 10 minutes of cold running water and it still hurts and/or has blistered, cover it in a sterile, non-adhesive dressing that extends well beyond the visible burn (because the actual damage probably extends further, and you don’t want to find this out the hard way later). If the burn is to the face, do still irrigate but not cover it; wait for help.

Do not apply any kind of cream, lotion, oil, etc. No matter how tempting, no matter where the burn is.

All of the above also goes for splashed oil, chemical burns, and electrical burns too (but obviously, make sure to get away from the electricity first).

Source: this ex-military writer was trained for this sort of thing and, suffice it to say, has dealt with more serious things than spilled tea before now.

Legal note: notwithstanding the above, we are a health science newsletter, not paramedics. Also, circumstances may differ, and best practices may change. In the case of serious injury, call emergency services first, and follow their instructions over ours.

Take care!


We turn the tables and ask you a question…

We’ll then talk about this tomorrow:

What's your (health-related) opinion on vaping?

Assume the main active ingredient is like-for-like, e.g. same amount of nicotine, or THC, etc

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

One almond

Monitor Your Health, For Free, The Easy Way

Let's say you want to keep on top of your health by keeping track of your body's vitals. What will you need?

  • Pulse oximeter: $20.00

  • Blood pressure cuff: $40.00

  • Heart rate variability monitor: $80.00

  • Grand total: $140.00


  • Together by Renee, a completely free app that will do the job of all the above and more, and do it more accurately?

$0.00 (and also, yes: priceless)

The app's free to download, free to use, nothing to pay, ever.

It's also been independently tested and found to be more accurate than many commercial devices. It does this by using your phone's camera to detect minute changes in the color of blood vessels in your skin, and running it through cutting-edge AI.

The result? More accurate readings than ever, completely free, all in 60 seconds.

And, that's just the app's flagship feature! It can also...

  • Check your voice for signs of anxiety and depression (again, with powerful AI)

  • Scan your medications, prescriptions, and appointment cards (so, no typing necessary) to work as your personal assistant too, reminding you when things are due.

...all together, in one app, designed for simplicity. That's why it's called "Together"!

Please do visit our sponsors—they help keep 10almonds free

One almond

What’s happening in the health world…

More to come tomorrow!


In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction – by Dr. Gabor Maté

We've reviewed books by Dr. Maté before, and this one's about addiction. We've reviewed books about addiction before too, so what makes this one different?

Wow, is this one so different. Most books about addiction are about "beating" it. Stop drinking, quit sugar, etc. And, that's all well and good. It is definitely good to do those things. But this one's about understanding it, deeply. Because, as Dr. Maté makes very clear, "there, but for the grace of epigenetics and environmental factors, go we".

Indeed, most of us will have addictions; they're (happily) just not too problematic for most of us, being either substances that are not too harmful (e.g. coffee), or behavioral addictions that aren't terribly impacting our lives (e.g. Dr. Maté's compulsion to keep buying more classical music, which he then tries to hide from his wife).

The book does also cover a lot of much more serious addictions, the kind that have ruined lives, and the kind that definitely didn't need to, if people had been given the right kind of help—instead of, all too often, they got the opposite.

Perhaps the greatest value of this book is that; understanding what creates addiction in the first place, what maintains it, and what help people actually need.

Bottom line: if you'd like more insight into the human aspect of addiction without getting remotely wishy-washy, this book is probably the best one out there.

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Wishing you a good health in all ways great and small,

The 10almonds Team