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  • Seeds: The Good, The Bad, And The Not-Really-Seeds!

Seeds: The Good, The Bad, And The Not-Really-Seeds!

Plus: the rise of kiwifruit allergies


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Today’s 30-Second Summary

If you don’t have time to read the whole email today, here are some key takeaways:

  • Seeds can provide a lot of health benefits, but not all seeds are created equal

    • Check out today’s video for the low-down on how different seeds rank in health terms!

  • Crohn’s Disease an flip a lot of common health advice on its head

    • While meat and dairy become even worse for the health, many plants can now pose a lot of problems they didn’t before

    • Swapping grains for potatoes and pasta can help (for most people without Crohn’s, the opposite advice is true)

    • Peeling and steaming vegetables to remove or break down fiber can help (for most people without Crohn’s, the opposite advice is true)

    • See today’s Q&A section for more on this

  • It’s vitally important to keep our brains sharp as we age

    • Today’s sponsor, Brilliant, are offering 10almonds subscribers 30 days free use of their habit-building daily learning app

Read on to learn about these things and more…

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Nutrition Tier List: Seeds

We often hear that seeds are good sources of healthy fats, protein, fiber, and an array of micronutrients. We also hear that we mustn’t have too many seed oils, and that they can be bad for the heart. So… What’s the truth, and which seeds are best or worst?

Seed menu:


It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

Have a question or a request? You can always hit “reply” to any of our emails, or use the feedback widget at the bottom!

In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

So, no question/request too big or small 😎

❝Doctors are great at saving lives like mine. I’m a two time survivor of colon cancer and have recently been diagnosed with Chron’s disease at 62. No one is the health system can or is prepared to tell me an appropriate diet to follow or what to avoid. Can you?❞

Congratulations on the survivorship!

As to Crohn’s, that’s indeed quite a pain, isn’t it? In some ways, a good diet for Crohn’s is the same as a good diet for most other people, with one major exception: fiber

…and unfortunately, that changes everything, in terms of a whole-foods majority plant-based diet.

What stays the same:

  • You still ideally want to eat a lot of plants

  • You definitely want to avoid meat and dairy in general

  • Eating fish is still usually* fine, same with eggs

  • Get plenty of water

What needs to change:

  • Consider swapping grains for potatoes or pasta (at least: avoid grains)

  • Peel vegetables that are peelable; discard the peel or use it to make stock

  • Consider steaming fruit and veg for easier digestion

  • Skip spicy foods (moderate spices, like ginger, turmeric, and black pepper, are usually fine in moderation)

Much of this latter list is opposite to the advice for people without Crohn’s Disease.

*A good practice, by the way, is to keep a food journal. There are apps that you can get for free, or you can do it the old-fashioned way on paper if prefer.

But the important part is: make a note not just of what you ate, but also of how you felt afterwards. That way, you can start to get a picture of patterns, and what’s working (or not) for you, and build up a more personalized set of guidelines than anyone else could give to you.

We hope the above pointers at least help you get going on the right foot, though!

❝Why do baked goods and deep fried foods all of a sudden become intolerable? I used to b able to ingest bakery foods and fried foods. Lately I developed an extreme allergy to Kiwi… what else should I "fear”❞

About the baked goods and the deep-fried foods, it’s hard to say without more information! It could be something in the ingredients or the method, and the intolerance could be any number of symptoms that we don’t know. Certainly, pastries and deep-fried foods are not generally substantial parts of a healthy diet, of course!

Kiwi, on the other hand, we can answer… Or rather, we can direct you to today’s “What’s happening in the health world” section below, as there is news on that front!

We turn the tables and ask you a question!

We’ll then talk about this tomorrow:


What's your (health-related) view on coffee?

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Keep Yourself Sharp (and Ever-Improving!) with Brilliant's Bite-Sized Learning

We all know the benefits to keeping our brains sharp, especially as we age. And yet it's very easy (and tempting!) to throw our hands in the air and leave math, computer science, and coding to "kids nowadays". But it doesn't have to be that way!

If you'd like to learn some very cool skills, Brilliant is... Well... Brilliant at teaching it.

The premise of Brilliant is: interactive learning in a way that feels almost like playing a game, but the level-ups are levelling up your actual real-life skills (including the aforementioned math, computer science, and coding—you get to choose what you learn).

Best yet, it's also designed to make it as easy as possible to make learning a bite-size daily habit. In other words, instead of a scheduling commitment for classes, it's something you can do while you drink your morning coffee.

In short, we very highly recommend it!

You don't have to just trust us though, because they offer a 30-day free trial 😎

Please do check out our sponsors—they help keep 10almonds free

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SuperLife: The 5 Simple Fixes That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome - by Darin Olien

We mostly know more or less what we're supposed to be doing, at least to a basic level, when it comes to diet and exercise. So why don't we do it?

Where Darin Olien excels in this one is making healthy living—mostly the dietary aspects thereof—not just simple, but also easy.

He gives principles we can apply rather than having to memorize lots of information... And his "this will generally be better than that" format also means that the feeling is one of reducing harm, increasing benefits, without needing to get absolutist about anything. And that, too, makes healthy living easier.

The book also covers some areas that a lot of books of this genre don't—such as blood oxygenation, and maintenance of healthy pH levels—and aspects such as those are elements that help this book to stand out too.

Don't be put off and think this is a dry science textbook, though—it's not. In fact, the tone is light and the style is easy-reading throughout.

Bottom line: if you want to take an easy, casual, but scientifically robust approach to tweaking your health for the better, this book will enable you to do that.

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Wishing you a healthy and happy day,

The 10almonds Team