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  • When "Normal" Health Is Not What You Want

When "Normal" Health Is Not What You Want

Plus: how not to age!

Today’s almonds have been activated by:

The Grapes of Worth: red grapes have far more anti-aging properties than “white” grapes (the green kind). But also, seeded grapes have far more of the critical polyphenols than seedless varieties.

Specifically, 64% of the polyphenols are found in the (edible!) seeds. 30% is found in the skin, 5% in the juice, and 1% in the pulp.

Nor are raisins (as in, dried grapes) useful for this, as raisins are invariably made from cheap seedless pale green Thompson grapes.

Grape seed extracts, meanwhile, don’t stand up well to scrutiny.

Tl;dr: enjoy red seeded grapes, and live deliciously.

~ Source: today’s featured book, which in turn cites five studies for this
One almond

Today’s 30-Second Summary

If you don’t have time to read the whole email today, here are some key takeaways:

  • In health, what’s “normal” is not always what’s optimal. Today we look at two “normal” things when it comes to sleep problems: mouth-breathing once asleep, and waking in the night.

  • Psychological resilience is the ability to suffer adversity, and come out the other side of it without having been weakened by it.

    • Today’s sponsor, Stoa, is a free newsletter that will bookend your week (it publishes on Mondays and Fridays) with Stoic philosophy to help you develop just that.

  • Today’s featured book is quite a big deal, and your writer here is very excited about it, having had it on pre-order for a long time and finally got it. In short, “How Not To Age” is finally out, and it’s even better than hoped-for!

Read on to learn about these things and more…

One almond

Yale Medicine | Migraine: A Neurological Condition That's Not Just in Your Head (3:29)

Want to watch it, but not right now? Bookmark it for later 🔖


It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

Have a question or a request? You can always hit “reply” to any of our emails, or use the feedback widget at the bottom!

In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

So, no question/request too big or small 😎

❝When going to sleep, I try to breathe through my nose (since everyone says that's best). But when I wake I often find that I am breathing through my mouth. Is that normal, or should I have my nose checked out?❞

It is quite normal, but when it comes to health, “normal” does not always mean “optimal”.

  • Good news: it is correctable!

  • Bad news: it is correctable by what may be considered rather an extreme practice that comes with its own inconveniences and health risks.

Some people correct this by using medical tape to keep their mouth closed at night, ensuring nose-breathing. Advocates of this say that after using it for a while, nose-breathing in sleep will become automatic.

We know of no hard science to confirm this, and cannot even offer a personal anecdote on this one. Here are some pop-sci articles that do link to the (very few) studies that have been conducted:

This writer’s personal approach is simply to do breathing exercises when going to sleep and first thing upon awakening, and settle for imperfection in this regard while asleep.

❝I'm now in my sixties and find that I invariably wake up at least once during the night. Is this normal? Even if it is, I would still like, once in a while, to sleep right through like a teenager. How might this be achieved, without pills?❞

Most people wake up briefly between sleep cycles, and forget doing so. But waking up for more than a brief moment is indeed best avoided. In men of your age, if you’re waking to pee (especially if it’s then not actually that easy to pee), it can be a sign of an enlarged prostate. Which is again a) normal b) not optimal.

By “without pills” we’ll assume you mean “without sleeping pills”. There are options to treat an enlarged prostate, including well-established supplements. We did a main feature on this:

If the cause of waking up is something else, then again this is common for everyone as we get older, and again it’s not optimal. But since there are so many possible causes (and thus solutions), it’s more than we can cover in less than a main feature, so we’ll have to revisit this later.

Meanwhile, take care!


We turn the tables and ask you a question…

We’ll then talk about this tomorrow:

Assuming a good Health-Related Quality of Life, how much longer do you hope to live?

Note: not "blindly wish", but also not merely "expect as an almost guaranteed minimum". We're looking for the extent of your optimism here!

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

One almond

Build resilience and virtue with Stoicism

Sometimes, we must indeed weather "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune". How does one carry on?

If we have a set of clear principles that we can always follow, no matter what life throws at us, then that's a resource that can never be taken away from us.

Click below to opt in to this free newsletter that sends Stoic wisdom on Mondays and Fridays, to bookend your week with sound philosophy:

The Stoa LetterBecome more Stoic. Build resilience and virtue with ancient philosophy. Join 10,000+ walking the Stoic path.

Please do visit our sponsors—they help keep 10almonds free

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What’s happening in the health world…

Cutting sugar and processed meats helped people live longer, study found

More to come tomorrow!


How Not to Age: The Scientific Approach to Getting Healthier as You Get Older – by Dr. Michael Greger

This book is the reason today's newsletter wasn't out some hours previously; it was published today, and this reviewer (who got her pre-order copy at midnight GMT) needed to finish reading it first! Never let it be said we don’t bring you the very latest health news 😉 

First things first: it's a great book, and it's this reviewer's favorite of Dr. Greger's so far.

Unlike many popular physician authors, Dr. Greger doesn't rehash a lot of old material, and instead favours prioritizing new material in each work. Where appropriate, he'll send the reader to other books for more specific information (e.g: you want to know how to avoid premature death? Go read How Not To Die. You want to know how to lose weight? How Not To Diet. Etc).

In the category of new information, he has a lot to offer here. And with over 8,000 references, it's information, not conjecture. On which note, we recommend the e-book version if that's possible for you, for three reasons:

  1. It's possible to just click the references and be taken straight to the cited paper itself online

  2. To try to keep the book's size down, Dr. Greger has linked to other external resources too

  3. The only negative reviews on Amazon, so far, are people complaining that the print copy's text is smaller than they'd like

For all its information-density (those 8,000+ references are packed into 600ish pages), the book is very readable even to a lay reader; the author is a very skilled writer.

As for the content, we can't fit more than a few sentences here so forgive the brevity, but we’ll mention that he covers:

  • Slowing 11 pathways of aging

  • The optimal anti-aging regimen according to current best science

  • Preserving function (specific individual aspects of aging, e.g. hearing, sight, cognitive function, sexual function, hair, bones, etc)

  • "Dr. Greger's Anti-Aging Eight"

In terms of "flavor" of anti-aging science, his approach can be summed up as: diet and lifestyle as foundation; specific supplements and interventions as cornerstones.

Bottom line: this is now the anti-aging book.

What did you think of today's newsletter?

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Wishing you youthful vigor at every age,

The 10almonds Team