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Healthy Recipes When There Are A Lot Of Restrictions

Plus: why squats matter so much for healthy longevity

Good afternoon 👋 

Know the difference: 1) Diplococcus: very small, can cause gonorrhea 2) Diplodocus: very large, cannot cause gonorrhea (so far as scientists have been able to test so far).

In today’s email we cover healthy cooking for a large group with a long list of different dietary restrictions, the powers of squats that go beyond what most exercise can do, and how to exercise with a balance ball.

Would you like discounts at Whole Foods? Check out today’s sponsor (Brad’s Deal’s, the discounts-finding company), to not only make the same shopping cost less, but also, explore 10 little-known perks of your Amazon Prime membership. Don’t miss out!

Today’s Main Feature

Healthy Recipes When There Are A Lot Of Restrictions

Cooking for a large group can involve a lot of challenges when there are restrictions that individually are little trouble, but together, could be a recipe for disaster if not given some thought.

Here are our suggestions for strategy, and some specific recipes that should be good for all concerned:

Recommended Reading

What Is A "Vaginal Birth After Caesarean" or VBAC?

…and what are its benefits?

Undo The Sun’s Damage To Your Skin

Best of all is not get sun-damaged, but if you’ve clocked some up over the years, it can be reversed:

Watch and Learn

Are Squats the Ultimate Game-Changer?

Dr. Jess Grochowsky, PT, DPT, MTC, CLT, CMPTP, says the answer is yes, and here’s why:

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Bonus (Sponsored) Recommendation

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One-Minute Book Review

Get On It!: BOSU Balance Trainer Workouts for Core Strength and a Super Toned Body – by Jane Aronovitch, Miriane Taylor, & Colleen Craig

Balance is important; without it, we die early. That’s quite a strong selling point for improving one’s balance, but why this book in particular?

This is—with one drawback—the best book of balance ball exercises we’ve seen. Notwithstanding the cover photo, many exercises do, by the way, involve standing on it with one or both feet, doing various kinds of squats, lunges, get-ups, and so forth. The ball (it’s not really a ball so much as an oblate hemisphere) can also be flipped and used the other way around, with a flat platform that will now wobble per your weight distribution, and train balance in different ways (dome-up trains large stabilizing muscles more; platform-up trains smaller stabilizing muscles more).

Indeed, that’s where the brand name Bosu, often stylized “BOSU”, comes from: both sides up!

So, what’s the drawback? Alas, the photos are black and white, which means in some cases they’re not as clear as they could be. Nothing that will prevent understanding the exercises, which are well-explained in any case, but it does mean that sometimes it’s necessary to look closely to see which leg is in front of the other for a given exercise, for example.

Still, with 80 different exercises it really does cover the whole body, and even gives workout program varieties for those who want that, including targeted to particular areas, e.g. lower body, core, upper body, or complete.

Bottom line: if you’d like to improve your balance (and have, or are willing to acquire, a balance ball like the Bosu), then this book will give you everything else you need in that regard.

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The 10almonds Team