Tranquility by Tuesday?

How to spend more time on what's important, and less on what isn't!

Each Tuesday at 10almonds, we put a spotlight on select Expert Insights for health and productivity. In today's edition:

  • Spend more time on what matters (and less on what doesn’t) with Laura Vanderkam

  • Learn the secrets of supercentenarians with Joan of Health, and…

  • How to create an enduring legacy in your field with Doug Meyer-Cuno!

(Oh hey, while we have your attention... Tomorrow will be Q&A day, so if you have something you'd like included, hit reply to this email or use the feedback widget at the bottom. We look forward to hearing from you!)


For Women over 50

"Joan of Health" (herself in her 60s!) has a very cool channel specializing in health tips for women over 50…

(definitely lots of information that's useful to all, though!)

In this short (3:38) video, she shares what these super-centenarians have in common (besides their advanced years and good health):

How many did you score out of 10?


I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make The Most of Their Time

This is Laura Vanderkam, author of “Tranquility By Tuesday” (amongst other books). Her “thing” is spending more time on what’s important, and less on what isn’t. Sounds simple, but she’s made a career out of it, so condensed here for you are…

Laura’s 7 Keys To Productivity

Key One: Plan your weeks on Fridays

You don’t want your Monday morning to be a “James Bond intro” (where everything is already in action and you’re just along for the ride, trying to figure out what’s going on). So, take some time last thing each Friday, to plan ahead for the following week!

Key Two: Measure what matters

Whatever that means to you. Laura tracks her use of time in half-hour blocks, and likes keeping track of streaks. For her, that means running daily and keeping a log of it. She also keeps track of the books she reads. For someone else it could be music practice, or a Duolingo streak, or eating fruit each day.

On which note...

"Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen" is simpler than most nutrition trackers (where you must search for everything you eat, or scan barcodes for all ingredients).

Instead, it keeps track of whether you are having certain key health-giving foods often enough to maintain good health.

We might feature his method in a future edition of 10almonds, but for now, check the app out for yourself here:

Get Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen on iOS / Get Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen on Android

Key Three: Figure out 2–3 “anchor” events for the weekend

Otherwise, it can become a bit of a haze and on Monday you find yourself thinking “where did the weekend go?”. So, plan some stuff! It doesn’t have to be anything out-of-this-world, just something that you can look forward to in advance and remember afterwards. It could be a meal out with your family, or a session doing some gardening, or a romantic night in with your partner. Whatever makes your life “living” and not passing you by!

Key Four: Tackle the toughest work first

You’ve probably heard about "swallowing frogs". If not, there are various versions, usually attributed to Mark Twain.

Here’s one:

“If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.”

Top Productivity App “ToDoist” has an option for this, by the way!

Laura’s key advice here is: get the hard stuff done now! Before you get distracted or tired and postpone it to tomorrow (and then lather rinse repeat, so it never gets done)

10almonds Tip:

“But what if something’s really important but not as pressing as some less important, but more urgent tasks?”


Set a timer (we love the Pomodoro method, by the way) and do one burst of the important-but-not-urgent task first. Then you can get to the more urgent stuff.

Repeat each day until the important-but-not-urgent task is done!

The 10almonds Team

Key Five: Use bits of time well

If, like many of us, you’ve a neverending “to read” list, use the 5–10 minute breaks that get enforced upon us periodically through the day!

  • Use those few minutes before a meeting/phonecall!

  • Use the time you spend waiting for public transport or riding on it!

  • Use the time you spent waiting for a family member to finish doing a thing!

All those 5–10 minute bits soon add up… You might as well spend that time reading something you know will add value to your life, rather than browsing social media, for example.

Key Six: Make very short daily to-do lists

By “short”, Laura considers this “under 10 items”. Do this as the last part of your working day, ready for tomorrow. Not at bedtime! Bedtime is for winding down, not winding up 😉

Key Seven: Have a bedtime

Laura shoots for 10:30pm, but whatever works for you and your morning responsibilities. Your morning responsibilities aren’t tied to a specific time? Lucky you, but try to keep a bedtime anyway. Otherwise, your daily rhythm can end up sliding around the clock, especially if you work from home!


The Recipe For Empowered Leadership - by Doug Meyer-Cuno

This is not a “here’s how to become a leader, you young would-be Machiavelli”; it’s more a “so you’re in a leadership role; now what?” book. The book’s subtitle describes well its contents: “25 Ingredients For Creating Value & Empowering Others”

The book is written with the voice of experience, but without the ego-driven padding that accompanies many such books. Especially: any anecdotal illustrations are short and to-the-point, no chapter-long diversions here.

Which we love!

Equally helpful is where the author does spend a little more time and energy: on the “down to brass tacks” of how exactly to do various things.

In short: if instead of a lofty-minded book of vague idealized notions selling a pipedream, you’d rather have a manual of how to actually be a good leader when it comes down to it, this is the book for you.

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Wishing you the best possible hours and days ahead,

The 10almonds Team