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Inverse Vaccines for Autoimmune Diseases

Plus: fight cognitive decline the smart way

Today’s almonds have been activated by:

How’s your posture? Take a moment to imagine you are being held upright by a thread attached to the top of your head.

This will enable you to straighten out “just the right amount”, without introducing artificial straightness that can be counterproductive.

One almond

Today’s 30-Second Summary

If you don’t have time to read the whole email today, here are some key takeaways:

  • Sometimes the body doesn’t automatically attack something dangerous and/or doesn’t know how to; in those cases, a vaccine is helpful to give it a heads-up.

    • Sometimes, the body automatically attacks something harmless or even necessary, as in Celiac Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and Type 1 Diabetes (and many other autoimmune diseases).

      • In those cases, an inverse vaccine can help to tell the body learn “no, not that one, that one’s fine”, without having to dampen the whole immune system.

  • The difference between you at your best and you at your worst is often a matter of neurochemistry.

    • Today’s sponsor, Mind Lab Pro, uses 11 research-backed ingredients (for that matter, we've covered most of them here at 10almonds in our Research Review Monday editions) to help your brain protect and rebuild itself, balance its neurotransmitter levels, and function optimally.

Read on to learn about these things and more…

One almond

How to start Calisthenics | Calisthenics Guide & How To (14:05)

Are you interested in starting calisthenics, but put off by how so many of the videos seem to assume you were bitten by a radioactive spider, in terms of what they expect you can do already?

Summer is here (in the video; that’s her name) with a beginner-friendly primer:

Super-calisthenic friendly extra special focus*:

  • 0:40 | What calisthenics is

  • 0:59 | The benefits of training calisthenics

  • 2:50 | The training styles of calisthenics

  • 3:42 | Key training tips

  • 6:00 | Exercise overview

*if you say it fast enough, you’ll really get the bonus

Want to watch it, but not right now? Bookmark it for later 🔖


Inverse Vaccines for Autoimmune Diseases

This is Dr. Jeffrey Hubbell. He’s a molecular engineer, with a focus on immunotherapy, immune response, autoimmune diseases, and growth factor variants.

He’s held 88 patents, and was the recipient of the Society for Biomaterials’ Founders Award for his "long-term, landmark contributions to the discipline of biomaterials", amongst other awards and honours that would make our article too long if we included them all.

And, his latest research has been about developing…

Inverse Vaccines

You may be thinking: “you mean diseases; he’s engineering diseases?”

And no, it’s not that. Here’s how it works:

Normally in the case of vaccine, it’s something to tell the body “hey, if you see something that looks like this, you should kill it on sight” and the body goes “ok, preparing countermeasures according to these specifications; thanks for the heads-up”

In the case of an inverse vaccine, it’s the inverse. It’s something to tell the body “hey, this thing you seem to think is a threat, it’s actually not, and you should leave it alone”.

Why this matters for people with autoimmune diseases

Normally, autoimmune diseases are treated in one or more of the following ways:

  • Dampen the entire immune system (bad for immunity against actual diseases, obviously, and is part of why many immunocompromised people have suffered and died disproportionately from COVID, for example)

  • Give up and find a workaround (a good example of this is Type 1 Diabetes, and just giving up on the pancreas not being constantly at war with itself, and living on exogenous insulin instead)

Neither of those are great.

What inverse vaccines do is offer a way to flag the attacked-in-error items as acceptable things to have in the body. Those might be things that are in our body by default, as in the case of many autoimmune diseases, or they may even be external items that should be allowed but aren’t, as in the case of gluten, in the context of Celiac disease.

The latest research is not yet accessible for free, alas, but you can read the abstract here:

Or if you prefer a more accessible pop-science approach, here’s a great explanatory article:

Where can we get such inverse vaccines?

❝There are no clinically approved inverse vaccines yet, but we’re incredibly excited about moving this technology forward❞

~ Dr. Jeffrey Hubbell

But! Lest you be disappointed, you can get in line already, in the case of the Celiac disease inverse vaccine, if you’d like to be part of their clinical trial:

If you’re not up for that, or if your autoimmune disease is something else (most of the rest of their research is presently focusing on Multiple Sclerosis and Type 1 Diabetes), then:

  • The phase 1 MS trial is currently active, estimated completion in summer 2024.

  • They are in the process of submitting an investigational new drug (IND) application for Type 1 Diabetes

    • This is the first step to starting clinical safety and efficacy trials

…so, watch this space!

One almond

Fight Cognitive Decline The Smart Way!

Age-related cognitive decline is a looming threat for everyone past a certain age. For many of us, without taking action, it can become less a case of "if", and more "when".

Fortunately, there are many weapons available in our arsenal against cognitive decline!

Mind Lab Pro uses not just one, but 11 research-backed ingredients that work synergistically for cognitive enhancement and neuroprotection.

Looking after your brain has never been easier!

Please do visit our sponsors—they help keep 10almonds free

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What’s happening in the health world…

More to come tomorrow!


Rewire Your OCD Brain: Powerful Neuroscience-Based Skills to Break Free from Obsessive Thoughts and Fears – by Dr. Catherine Pittman & Dr. William Youngs

OCD is just as misrepresented in popular media as many other disorders, and in this case, it's typically not "being a neat freak" or needing to alphabetize things, so much as having uncontrollable obsessive intrusive thoughts, and often in response to those, unwanted compulsions. This can come from unchecked spiralling anxiety, and/or PTSD, for example.

What Drs. Pittman & Young offer is an applicable set of solutions, to literally rewire the brain (insofar as synapses can be considered neural wires). Leveraging neuroplasticity to work with us rather than against us, the authors talk us through picking apart the crossed wires, and putting them back in more helpful ways.

This is not, by the way, a book of CBT, though it does touch on that too.

Mostly, the book explains—clearly and simply and sometimes with illustrationswhat is going wrong for us neurologically, and how to neurologically change that.

Bottom line: whether you have OCD or suffer from anxiety or just need help dealing with obsessive thoughts, this book can help a lot in, as the title suggests, rewiring that.

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May you often learn new things to make your life easier and your health better,

The 10almonds Team