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  • Metformin For Weight-Loss & More

Metformin For Weight-Loss & More

Plus: how to fix sacroiliac pain (relief in in 30 seconds)

Today’s almonds have been activated by:

Do you (or did you previously) suffer from migraines? If you’re a woman, it’s an extra risk factor for stroke, so that’s something you may want to be aware of.


Today’s 30-Second Summary

If you don’t have time to read the whole email today, here are some key takeaways:

  • Today’s main feature examines metformin, a diabetes drug that has a unique mechanism of action. If you don’t have diabetes, but are prediabetic, it may help you avoid developing diabetes

    • It has also been found to improve heart health metrics, and works as a weight loss drug without many of the side effects of GLP-1 agonists.

    • However, there are some contraindications, so do speak with your doctor if considering it

  • What’s more important: health, happiness, or helping others? The good news is, we can do all three together!

    • Today’s sponsor, Quest, want to help you (for free) to build a life with more energy, purpose, and joy.

Read on to learn more about these things, or click here to visit our archive


Older Americans Say They Feel Trapped in Medicare Advantage Plans

A lot of people are trying (with difficulty!) to switch back to regular Medicare, after having been sold something that ended up not meeting their needs:


How to Fix Your Sacroiliac Joint Pain: Step-By-Step Guide (11:25)

You can do this at home by yourself, no equipment, and promises relief within 30 seconds:

Sacroiliac menu:

  • 1:13 | Muscle Warm Up

  • 3:09 | Strengthening Exercise 1

  • 5:54 | Strengthening Exercise 2

  • 8:19 | Stretching

Want to watch it, but not right now? Bookmark it for later 🔖



Let It Flow 🎵

This is a new section, designed to quiz, and improve, your health knowledge; each day we’ll feature the silhouette of a “Mystery Item”, and hint at some of its benefits below. You get to guess what the item is! Clicking “reveal item” will bring you to the product page.

Today’s handy health-related item is a breath of fresh air. Rinse and repeat daily!


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Metformin Without Diabetes?

Metformin is a diabetes drug; it works by:

  • decreasing glucose absorption from the gut

  • decreasing glucose production in the liver

  • increasing glucose sensitivity

It doesn’t change how much insulin is secreted, and is unlikely to cause hypoglycemia, making it relatively safe as diabetes drugs go.

It’s a biguanide drug, and/but so far as science knows (so far), its mechanism of action is unique (i.e. no other drug works the same way that metformin does).

Today we’ll examine its off-label uses and see what the science says!

A note on terms: “off-label” = when a drug is prescribed to treat something other than the main purpose(s) for which the drug was approved.

Other examples include modafinil against depression, and beta-blockers against anxiety.

Why take it if not diabetic?

There are many reasons people take it, including just general health and life extension:

However, its use was originally expanded (still “off-label”, but widely prescribed) past “just for diabetes” when it showed efficacy in treating pre-diabetes. Here for example is a longitudinal study that found metformin use performed similarly to lifestyle interventions (e.g. diet, exercise, etc). In their words:

❝ Lifestyle intervention or metformin significantly reduced diabetes development over 15 years. There were no overall differences in the aggregate microvascular outcome between treatment groups❞

But, it seems it does more, as this more recent review found:

Long-term weight loss was also seen in both [metformin and intensive lifestyle intervention] groups, with better maintenance under metformin.

Subgroup analyses from the DPP/DPPOS have shed important light on the actions of metformin, including a greater effect in women with prior gestational diabetes, and a reduction in coronary artery calcium in men that might suggest a cardioprotective effect.

Long-term diabetes prevention with metformin is feasible and is supported in influential guidelines for selected groups of subjects.❞

We were wondering about that cardioprotective effect, so…

Cardioprotective effect

In short, another review (published a few months after the above one) confirmed the previous findings, and also added:

❝Patients with BMI > 35 showed an association between metformin use and lower incidence of CVD, including African Americans older than age 65. The data suggest that morbidly obese patients with prediabetes may benefit from the use of metformin as recommended by the ADA.❞

We wondered about the weight loss implications of this, and…

For weight loss

The short version is, it works:

…and many many more where those came from. As a point of interest, it has also been compared and contrasted to GLP-1 agonists.

Compared/contrasted with GLP-1 agonists

It’s not quite as effective for weight loss, and/but it’s a lot cheaper, is tablets rather than injections, has fewer side effects (for most people), and doesn’t result in dramatic yoyo-ing if there’s an interruption to taking it:

Or if you prefer a reader-friendly pop-science version:

Is it safe?

For most people yes, but there are a stack of contraindications, so it’s best to speak with your doctor. However, particular things to be aware of include:

  • Usually contraindicated if you have kidney problems of any kind

  • Usually contraindicated if you have liver problems of any kind

  • May be contraindicated if you have issues with B12 levels 

Where can I get it?

As it’s a prescription-controlled drug, we can’t give you a handy Amazon link for this one.

However, many physicians are willing to prescribe it for off-label use (i.e., for reasons other than diabetes), so speak with yours (telehealth options may also be available).

If you do plan to speak with your doctor and you’re not sure they’ll be agreeable, you might want to get this paper and print it to take it with you:

Take care!



Start Your QUEST

Quest is a free newsletter aimed at helping you build a life with more energy, purpose, and joy.

Their name comes from how they offer in each edition:

  • Quote, providing inspiration/guidance

  • Useful ideas for making life better

  • Exercise advice and tips

  • Story (often more “the voice of experience”)

  • Thought, something provocative to cogitate on

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The Quest NewsletterHelping you build a life with more energy, purpose, and joy

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Insomnia Decoded: Break the Cycle of Sleepless Nights – by Dr. Audrey Porter

We've written about sleep books before, so what makes this one different? Its major selling point is: most of the focus isn't on the things that everyone already knows.

Yes, there's a section on sleep hygiene and yes it'll tell you to cut the caffeine and alcohol, but most of the advice here is beyond that.

Rather, it looks at finding out (if you don't already know for sure) what is keeping you from healthy sleep, be it environmental, directly physical, or psychological, and breaking out of the stress-sleep cycle that often emerges from such.

The style is light and conversational, but includes plenty of science too; Dr. Porter knows her stuff.

Bottom line: if you feel like you know what you should be doing, but somehow life keeps conspiring to stop you from doing it, then this is the book that could help you break out that cycle.

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Wishing you the very most well-informed start to the week,

The 10almonds Team