Red Light, Go!

Plus: how squats heal the body

In partnership with

Question: what’s a skill that you wish you had, that you don’t?

Challenge: find out how you could get started acquiring it.

Whether it’s flying a plane or painting portraits, making the perfect opera cake or speaking Arabic, we live in an unprecedented age of accessible information, so find out how to get started, and do it!

It doesn’t matter how long it will take—the time will pass anyway 😉


Today’s 30-Second Summary

If you don’t have time to read the whole email today, here are some key takeaways:

  • Red light therapy (RLT) is an increasingly popular health trend, but how does the science stack up?

    • Today’s main feature looks at the science of its benefits for skin rejuvenation, wound healing, and (less clearly, but promisingly) brain health.

  • Today's sponsor Ententee specializes in patient empowerment, digital health transformation, and smart medical devices.

    • What does this all mean? If you check them out, you'll find out, and you'll also be supporting 10almonds by visiting them :)

Read on to learn more about these things, or click here to visit our archive


Your Money Or Your Life?

With medical debt burdening 1 in 3 people in the US, a financial regulator steps in to help…


How Squats Heal the Body (9:51)

Squat menu:

  • 0:00 | Reclaiming the Squat

  • 1:21 | Benefits of Resting in a Squat

  • 2:09 | How to: Resting Squat

  • 3:20 | Ankle Health (& Sponsor)

  • 4:40 | Resting Squat Formula

  • 5:21 | Improper Alignment

  • 7:08 | Squat Variations

Want to watch it, but not right now? Bookmark it for later 🔖


  • Eat to Beat Disease (book)

  • How To Make Drinking Less Harmful


Give Us This Day Our Daily Good Health

Hint: today’s mystery item will help you look after your health, while being cute and stylish in the process!



Casting Yourself In A Healthier Light

In Tuesday’s newsletter, we asked you for your opinion of red light therapy (henceforth: RLT), and got the above-depicted, below-described, set of responses:

  • About 51% said “I have no idea whether light therapy works or not”

  • About 24% said “Red light therapy is a valuable skin rejuvenation therapy”

  • About 23% said “I have not previously heard of red light therapy”

  • One (1) person said: “Red light therapy is a scam to sell shiny gadgets”

A number of subscribers wrote with personal anecdotes of using red light therapy to beneficial effect, for example:

❝My husband used red light therapy after surgery on his hand. It did seem to speed healing of the incision and there is very minimal scarring. I would like to know if the red light really helped or if he was just lucky❞

~ 10almonds subscriber

And one wrote to report having observed mixed results amongst friends, per:

❝Some people it works, others I've seen it breaks them out❞

~ 10almonds subscriber

So, what does the science say?

RLT rejuvenates skin, insofar as it reduces wrinkles and fine lines: True or False?

True! This one’s pretty clear-cut, so we’ll just give one example study of many, which found:

❝The treated subjects experienced significantly improved skin complexion and skin feeling, profilometrically assessed skin roughness, and ultrasonographically measured collagen density.

The blinded clinical evaluation of photographs confirmed significant improvement in the intervention groups compared with the control❞

RLT helps speed up healing of wounds: True or False?

True! There is less science for this than the above claim, but the studies that have been done are quite compelling, for example this NASA technology study found that…

❝LED produced improvement of greater than 40% in musculoskeletal training injuries in Navy SEAL team members, and decreased wound healing time in crew members aboard a U.S. Naval submarine.❞

RLT’s benefits are only skin-deep: True or False?

False, probably, but we’d love to see more science for this, to be sure.

However, it does look like wavelengths in the near-infrared spectrum reduce the abnormal tau protein and neurofibrillary tangles associated with Alzheimer’s disease, resulting in increased blood flow to the brain, and a decrease in neuroinflammation:

Would you like to try RLT for yourself?

There are some contraindications, for example:

  • if you have photosensitivity (for obvious reasons)

  • if you have Lupus (mostly because of the above)

  • if you have hyperthyroidism (because if you use RLT to your neck as well as face, it may help stimulate thyroid function, which in your case is not what you want)

As ever, please check with your own doctor if you’re not completely sure; we can’t cover all bases here, and cannot speak for your individual circumstances.

For most people though, it’s very safe, and if you’d like to try it, here’s an example product on Amazon, and by all means do read reviews and shop around for the ideal device for you 😎 

Take care!



Is Your Healthcare Tech Truly Interoperable?

To succeed in today’s healthcare IT revolution, products must enable interoperability across many disparate data sources. Ententee works closely with product developers and systems integrators, building cutting-edge healthcare technologies while complying with all regulatory requirements. If you’re ready to join the wave of innovators successfully leveraging the world’s best-in-class data interoperability practices, give Ententee a call today—and discover how our experts help make it happen!

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The Other Significant Others: Reimagining Life with Friendship at the Center – by Rhaina Cohen

As we get older, it's a function of statistics that increasingly many of us are divorced or widowed. While some will—after whatever time seems right to them—get back into dating, what about those of us who decide that we won't?

Rhaina Cohen explores the importance of friendship, mutual support, and (Platonic!) closeness and yes, even kinds of intimacy (for that too can be Platonic!) as we go on.

Even from a purely evolutionary approach, we are fundamentally social creatures, and while as individuals we may exist on a spectrum from reclusive to extroverted, we all thrive better when we at least have access to community and friends.

The style of the book is easy-reading and exploratory, and is very compelling as a call-to-arms for those who may wish to give/receive support to/from those with whom we are not necessarily sleeping.

Because at the end of the day, why should sex and/or romance be a required feature for legal protections? Aren't we adults who can make our own decisions about whom we trust to care for us?

Bottom line: if you're happily partnered and expect to pre-decease your partner, this book might not be directly important for you (it might for your partner, though). Everyone else? This book may be important at some point. That point might even be now already; only you know.

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May today see you well-prepared for a wonderfully restorative weekend,

The 10almonds Team

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