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  • The Medicinal Properties Of Bay Leaves

The Medicinal Properties Of Bay Leaves

Plus: yoga teacher: “If I wanted to get flexible in 2025, here's what I'd do”

Happy Monday 👋 

❝Your life, in the end, is the sum total of how you spent your time.❞
~ Dr. Chérie Carter-Scott

In today’s email we cover the humble bay leaf, flexibility from scratch, and eating dirty.

Getting good quantity & quality of essential fatty acids is important for our health; today’s sponsor Fatty15 has an essential fatty acid that’s outperformed omega-3 by numerous metrics. Check it out!

Recommended Reading

NEW TODAY: The Medicinal Properties Of Bay Leaves

The humble bay leaf has more uses than just culinary:

10 Oft-Ignored Symptoms Of Diabetes

Be aware of these in advance, to avoid unknowingly progressing to full-blown diabetes:

What Do The Different Kinds Of Fiber Do?

Plus: 30 foods that rank the highest:

Watch and Learn

Yoga Teacher: “If I wanted to get flexible in 2025, here's what I'd do”

Prefer text? The above video will take you to a 10almonds page with a text-overview, as well as the video!

Our Sponsors Make This Publication Possible

C15:0, The Fatty Acid That Can Slow Aging

C15:0 (pentadecanoic acid) is the first essential fatty acid discovered in over 90 years, and it strengthens cell membranes, amongst other effects, and outperformed EPA (a common omega-3 fatty acid), and provides 36+ cellular benefits, which is 3x more than pure omega-3 (EPA):

❝In summary, C15:0 had dose-dependent and clinically relevant activities across numerous human cell-based systems that were broader and safer than EPA, and C15:0 activities paralleled common therapeutics for mood disorders, microbial infections, and cancer.❞

Fatty15 is a pure, patented, award-winning C15:0 supplement that slows aging to protect long-term health, including metabolic, heart & liver health.

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This Or That?

Vote on Which is Healthier

Yesterday we asked you to choose between bitter melon and winter melon—we picked the bitter melon (click here to read about why), as did just 32% of you!

Now for today’s choice:

Click on whichever you think is better for you!

Bonus (Sponsored) Recommendation

Fun fact: that pentadecanoic acid that outperformed EPA? It was originally discovered due to Navy research caring for aging dolphins, and it was found that the healthiest older dolphins had higher levels of it. This led researchers to wonder if it would have similar benefits for other mammals too (e.g. humans), and guess what… It does!

One-Minute Book Review

The Dirt Cure: Growing Healthy Kids with Food Straight from Soil – by Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein

As we discussed in our article “Stop Sabotaging Your Gut”, there is indeed merit to living a little dirty, in particular when it comes to what we put in our mouths. Having the space of an entire book rather than a small article, Dr. Shetreat-Klein expands on this in great detail.

The subtitle mentions “growing healthy kids with food straight from the soil”; it’s worth noting that all the information here (with the exception of concerning breastfeeding etc) is equally applicable to adults too—so if it’s your own health you’re focused on rather than that of kids or grandkids, then that’s fine too.

You may be wondering: what more is there to say than “don’t scrub your vegetables as though you’re about to perform surgery with them”?

There’s a lot of background information on what things help or harm our bodies in the first place, most notably via our gut, and as an important extra consideration, the gut-brain axis. Incidentally, the author is a neurologist by professional background.

Then she gets more specific, into “include and exclude” recommendations. In this matter we have one criticism: she does recommend raw milk over pasteurized, and that is, by overwhelming scientific consensus, a terrible idea. Raw milk is an abundant source of pathogens and a breeding ground for even more. There is “living dirty” and there is “living dangerously”, and drinking raw milk is the latter. See also: Pasteurization: What It Does And Doesn’t Do

However, for the most part, the rest of her advice is sound, and there’s even a recipes section too.

The style is something of a polemic throughout, but the extensive venting does not take away from there being a lot of genuine information in here too.

Bottom line: please skip the raw milk, but aside from that, if you’d like to improve your diet to improve your gut and immune health, then this book can help with that.

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Wishing you the most well-informed start to the week,

The 10almonds Team