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  • Why The Air May Be Cleaner In The Street Than In Your Home

Why The Air May Be Cleaner In The Street Than In Your Home

Plus: soy allergy? No problem! Turn any legume into tofu (here's how)

Good afternoon đź‘‹ 

Put your feet up! No, really. Lie on your back (on the floor) and put your bare feet up on the couch or bed, so that your legs are ideally inclined at about 45°. Maintain that position for one minute, then sit on the couch/bed with your feet on the floor.
If your legs become pale when elevated, and especially if then they take several minutes to return to their usual complexion, you might want to see your doctor about your arterial health.

In today’s email we cover household pollution from innocent-seeming places, easy any-legume tofu, and fixing low energy levels.

We’ve written a few times recently about the science of senolytic compounds that kill aging cells while sparing healthy ones; today’s sponsor Qualia Senolytic has a potent senolytic supplement that only needs to be taken twice per month (think of it less as a constant maintenance, and more as a regular clean-up). Check it out; you’ll be glad you did!

Today’s Main Feature

You May Have More Air Pollution In Your Home Than In The Street

It’s not just stoves and heaters that cause it: scented candles, wax melts, and air fresheners are amongst the worst offenders:

Recommended Reading

Dogs Paired With Providers at Hospitals Help Ease Staff and Patient Stress

Four-legged team members do their part:

Healthy Tiramisu

Tiramisu (literally "pick-me-up", "tira-mi-su"), in its traditional form, is loaded with inflammatory cream and sugar, not to mention the cholesterol content.

Here we recreate the dish in healthy fashion, being loaded with protein, fiber, and healthy fats, not to mention that the optional sweetener is an essential amino acid. The coffee and cocoa, of course, are full of antioxidants too:

Watch and Learn

Soy Allergy? No Problem! Turn Any Legume Into Tofu (Here’s How)

Legumes have similar chemical composition, which means they can generally be used in the same ways as each other.

Having made it (it’s easy), you can then enjoy as-is, or stir-fry it to make crispy cubes, seasoned as you wish (there are recommendations in the video):

Prefer text? The above video will take you to a 10almonds page with a text-overview, as well as the video!

Our Sponsors Make This Publication Possible

Over 30? Age On Your Terms with Senolytic Ingredients

Senolytic ingredients are the biggest discovery in aging science of the last decade, but very few people have started taking advantage of this medical breakthrough.

Senolytic Ingredients To The Rescue!

  • Helps naturally eliminate older, senescent cells.

  • Only needs to be taken 2 days a month.

  • Turn back the clock on your aging symptoms

  • Helps counter age-related joint challenges

Senolytics are ingredients that promote our body’s ability to naturally eliminate these senescent or “zombie” cells.* .

In fact, the word “senolytic” means “destroy the old” in Latin (as in old senescent cells!).

Qualia Senolytic is clinically tested and combines 9 research-backed senolytic ingredients into a simple supplement you take just two days a month.

Almost like a “monthly cleanse” for aging.

This is the most cutting-edge formula in the world to support better aging:

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

This Or That?

Vote on Which is Healthier

Yesterday we asked you to choose between apples and dates—we picked the dates (click here to read about why), as did 41% of you!

Now for today’s choice:

Click on whichever you think is better for you!

Bonus (Sponsored) Recommendation

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One-Minute Book Review

Exhausted To Energized: Dr Libby's Guide to Living Your Life with More Energy – by Dr. Libby Weaver

There are very many possible causes of low energy; some are obvious; some are not.

Dr. Weaver goes through a comprehensive list that goes beyond the common, to encompass also the “not rare” options—how to test for them where appropriate, and how to improve/fix them where appropriate.

Thus, she talks us through the marvels of mitochondria (including how to keep them happy and healthy and how to promote the generation of new ones), antioxidant defense mechanisms, coenzyme Q10 and friends, B vitamins of various kinds, macronutrients, the autonomic nervous system, sleep and its many factors, blood oxygenation, digestive issues, what’s going on in the spleen, the gallbladder, the liver, the kidneys, the adrenal glands, our thyroid goings-on in all its multifarious wonders, minerals like iodine, iron, magnesium, zinc, our epigenetic factors, and even psychological considerations ranging from stress to grief. In short—and we have shortened the list to pick out particularly salient points—quite a comprehensive rundown of the human body to make your human body less run-down.

The style is on the very readable pop-science, and/but she does bring her professional knowledge to bear on topic (her doctorate is a PhD in biochemistry, and it shows; a lot of explanations come from that angle).

Bottom line: if you are often exhausted and would rather be energized, this this book almost certainly address at least a couple of things you probably haven’t considered—and even just one would make it worthwhile.

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Wishing you the very best of health every day, in every way,

The 10almonds Team