Eat To Beat Chronic Fatigue!

Plus: how to help your lymphatic system help you

Today’s almonds have been activated by:

Ask yourself now: if you could retire today, what would you spend your time doing?

If you are already retired, are you spending your time doing what you hoped you would?

Whatever stage of life you’re at, it is always good to ask “am I living in a way that past me would look forward to, and future me would look back on with gratitude?”

One almond

Today’s 30-Second Summary

If you don’t have time to read the whole email today, here are some key takeaways:

  • Our lymphatic nodes often go forgotten unless they are acting up, but they’re a vital part of our body’s overall wellness and defense against disease.

    • Today’s featured video gives some quick tips to get the most out of yours.

  • Chronic fatigue can be a symptom (being tired all the time), and it can be a syndrome (myalgic encephalomyelitis).

    • As a symptom, it can arise from many conditions, and/or may be heavily influenced by lifestyle factors.

    • As a syndrome (ME/CFS), some of the same advice will apply, but some of it will necessarily be different.

  • In today’s main feature, we look at some ways to eat to beat chronic fatigue, and not just what to do, but also how to do it (while suffering from chronic fatigue, which does not make things easy!)

  • As we get older, our brains can struggle to keep up with maintaining correct levels of some neurochemicals.

    • Today’s sponsor, Mindhoney, has potent all-natural nootropics to give your brain a boost of the things it needs to keep it in top health.

Read on to learn about these things and more…

One almond

Things to Do Each Morning for a Healthy Lymphatic System

A healthy lymphatic system can help boost your immune system, reduce swelling and congestion, and keep you healthy overall. Your lymphatic system is made up of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, where lymph fluid flows through to help clear out toxins and illness or disease from your body.

In this video, lymphedema therapist Kelly shares a few simple and quick things you can do each morning to have a healthy lymphatic system:


How To Eat To Beat Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue is on the rise, and it can make life a living Hell. Days blur into one, and you try to take each day as it comes, but sometimes several days gang up on you at once.

You probably know some lifestyle changes that might help—if only you had the energy to implement them.

You’d like to eat well, but you need to…

  1. Buy the fresh produce (and take a little rest after)

  2. Put the groceries away (and take a little rest after)

  3. Wash the vegetables (and take a little rest after)

  4. Chop the things as necessary (and take a little rest after)

  5. Cook dinner (and take a little rest after)

…and now you’re too exhausted to eat it.

So, what can be done?

First, avoid things that cause inflammation, as this is a major contributor to chronic fatigue. You might like our previous main feature:

Next up, really do stay hydrated. It’s less about quantity, and more about ubiquity. Hydrate often.

Best is if you always have some (hydrating) drink on the go.

Do experiment with your diet, and/but keep a food journal of what you eat and how you feel 30–60 minutes after eating it. Only make one change at a time, otherwise you won’t know which change made the difference.

Notice what patterns emerge over time, and adjust your ingredients accordingly.

Limit your caffeine intake. We know that sometimes it seems like the only way to get through the day, but you will always crash later, because it was only ever taxing your adrenal system (thus: making you more tired in the long run) and pulling the wool over the eyes of your adenosine receptors (blocking you from feeling how tired you are, but not actually reducing your body’s tiredness).

Put simply, caffeine is the “payday loan” of energy.

Eat more non-starchy vegetables, and enjoy healthy fats. Those healthy fats can come from nuts and seeds, avocado, or fish (not fried, though!).

The non-starchy vegetables will boost your vitamins and fiber while being easy on your beleaguered metabolism, while the healthy fats will perk up your energy levels without spiking insulin like sugars would.

Pay the fatigue tax up front. What this means is… Instead of throwing away vegetables that didn’t get used because it would take too much effort and you just need an easier dinner today, buy ready-chopped vegetables, for example.

And if you buy vegetables frozen, they’re also often not only cheaper, but also (counterintuitively) contain more nutrients.

A note of distinction:

Many more people have chronic fatigue (the symptom: being exhausted all the time) than have chronic fatigue syndrome (the illness: myalgic encephalomyelitis).

This is because fatigue can be a symptom of many, many other conditions, and can be heavily influenced by lifestyle factors too.

A lot of the advice for dealing with chronic fatigue is often the same in both cases, but some will be different, because for example:

  • If your fatigue is from some other condition, that condition probably impacts what lifestyle factors you are (and are not) able to change, too

  • If your fatigue is from lifestyle factors, that hopefully means you can change those and enjoy less fatigue…

    • But if it’s not from lifestyle factors, as in ME/CFS, then advice to “exercise more” etc is not going to help so much.

There are ways to know the difference though:

One almond

A very science-based all-natural nootropic supplement!

An important thing we want to mention immediately about Mindhoney is that it has a dozen very well-studied ingredients—there’s nothing speculative or “based on traditional use” here. For most of these ingredients, there are literally thousands of studies attesting to their benefits.

In fact, many of them are ingredients we’ve featured here before for their many benefits, and others were good reminders that we should be writing about them!

You may be wondering: “All-in-one, though? Isn’t it better to take them separately?” And… no, it is not. This isn’t an all-in-one shower gel we’re talking about here.

Simply put: these ingredients are synergistic and each work on connected systems in different ways, each helping the other to work better. So, by taking them together, you get a Gestalt effect—the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Psst… 10almonds subscribers can use code “STACK15” to enjoy 15% off, and also free shipping! 🤫

Please do visit our sponsors—they help keep 10almonds free

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What’s happening in the health world…

More to come tomorrow!


Undo It!: How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases – by Dr. Dean Ornish & Anne Ornish

Of course, no lifestyle changes will magically undo Type 1 Diabetes or Cerebral Palsy. But for many chronic diseases, a lot can be done. The question is, how does one book cover them all?

As authors Dr. Dean Ornish and Anne Ornish explain, very many chronic diseases are exacerbated, or outright caused, by the same factors:

  • Gene expression

  • Inflammation

  • Oxidative stress

This goes for chronic disease from heart disease to type 2 diabetes to cancer and many autoimmune diseases.

We cannot change our genes, but we can change our gene expression (the authors explain how). And certainly, we can control inflammation and oxidative stress.

Then first part of the book is given over to dietary considerations. If you're a regular 10almonds reader, you won't be too surprised at their recommendations, but you may enjoy the 70 recipes offered.

Attention is also given to exercising in ways optimized to beat chronic disease, and to other lifestyle factors.

Limiting stress is important, but the authors go further when it comes to psychological and sociological factors. Specifically, what matters most to health, when it comes to intimacy and community.

Bottom line: this is a very good guide to a comprehensive lifestyle overhaul, especially if something recently has given you cause to think "oh wow, I should really do more to avoid xyz disease".

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Wishing you a wonderfully restorative weekend,

The 10almonds Team